About us

Inspiring and empowering
Spanish-speaking students to
achieve their maximum potential

By improving their Spanish literacy skills.

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From the South of South
to the World.

BeeReaders is at the forefront of educational technology, revolutionizing Spanish literacy skills for children and young people whose native language is Spanish. Founded in Santiago, Chile, in August 2019 by innovators Luis Gringras and Rubén Arias, BeeReaders is dedicated to transforming the education system for the 100 million Spanish-speaking students in need of support.

BeeReaders inspires and empowers Spanish-speaking students to reach their full potential by enhancing their Spanish literacy skills.

Our vision is to lead the transformation of education across the Spanish-speaking world.

Humble Ambition: We strive for greatness with humility, recognizing the importance of our mission.
Continuous Learning: Our dedication to improvement and innovation drives us forward.
Positive Energy: We believe in the power of positivity to overcome challenges and achieve our goals.
Efficient Execution: Our commitment to delivering results efficiently is paramount.
Ownership of Our Results: We take full responsibility for our outcomes, learning from successes and failures alike.

Our Story
In 2019, Luis Gringras and Rubén Arias envisioned a company that would not only address the pressing need for improved communication skills among Spanish-speaking students but also lead the charge in educational innovation. Identifying reading comprehension as a foundational skill, BeeReaders was created to tackle the dramatic disparities in reading development. Our approach focuses on comprehensive reading as the cornerstone of learning, aiming to uplift students by enhancing their abilities to read, write, listen, and speak effectively in their native language.
Since our inception, we have recognized the critical need for dual-language resources, particularly in the United States, where Spanish-speaking students and educators often lack the support they need to thrive academically. BeeReaders is committed to filling this gap, ensuring that all Spanish-speaking students have access to quality education and the opportunity to achieve their maximum potential.

Join us on our journey to transform education and empower the next generation of Spanish-speaking students.

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A Spanish-speaking team devoted to improve

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